Part 36: Update XXXIV - Goondalf the G(enius)
Part XXXIV - Goondalf the G(enius)
Happy new year thread! Updates should be swifter now that holiday madness is over. Let's celebrate by starting the climactic Chapter Six of Siege of Avalon!
To kick this party off, we need to return to the relative safety of the Inner Keep of the citadel.
Not too far in, good old Page Entrowe will seize control of our computer to prevent us from moving away as he walks to us.

Thank you, Entrowe; I will see him presently.
Undead you say...

The skeletons were Felious' assistant's project. It's something Felious wished to do to protect the lower levels of Avalon; stock the area with mindless, devoted defenders that would never be missed.

A mage's assistant is sometimes a dangerous person; magical ability must be tempered with wisdom, just as a child cannot be given a sword. Wacian has told me that these skeletons will attack anything but each other, so you'll have to speak with him, as he has locked up for fear that the skeletons would enter the keep. I'm sure you'll resolve this problem on your own; I don't recall having to lead you in the past. That being said, I'm sure you'd like to start on your duties without much further ado. I'll likely not be here when you return; I need to check on the fortifications at East Gate. Unless you have any further questions, I hope to see you again.
Oh no, did Bones go full supervillain after all? ...Well, can't say I blame him if so.

You need not worry for my welfare, Sir Roth. I shall not fail.

I know that, Goondalf the G. I do not fear for your welfare. Now, if you will excuse me, I must check on Tempest; since you found that fine steel, he's agreed to make me a sword. If Fester has supplied the requisite oils, it should be finished sometime today.
Another callback!

Then I shall see you when these situations have been resolved, Sir Roth. Farewell.
As always, the unspoken first task we have is to talk to everyone in Avalon again. Let's get started on that, for the glory of the Seven Kingdoms!

So you think they're getting ready to attack?
Halwin: Keep your ears open. There may be a fight tonight. If you're lucky, you may get yourself a piece of the action!

May the spirits protect you.
And the other guy says this:
Hmph. We shall see.

Why do you say that, soldier?
Offe: On my breaks I walk up to the battlements to watch the Ahoul scouts running about in the village. Heck, I've even put an arrow through one or two. Lately, we've seen more campfires inside the village, and yet they're just out of range of our arrows. I think they're trying to sneak up on us.

Sneak up on you, Offe? Not if you stay alert.

I'm sorry, but I must decline your offer. Keep faith and skill, brother.
Why is there no option to accept the candy

Good day, Pell. How goes it?

It goes well; I have spoken with Khaele, and, incredibly, that man has... "gone out on a limb" for me, you might say. While it would have been appropriate for him to simply return to Fornax with me, he saw it as more appropriate that I stay here, realizing that he and I would both be of greater use defending Avalon. Amazing. Oh, and by the by, he mentioned your involvement so do not worry. Go on and be about your business and do not worry about ne, Goondalf the G. Although your concern is touching, I know you've much to do, especially now... [She cocks her ear to the wind and looks pensive.]

As you wish, Pell. Please be careful.

Good day, Lahren. Has Pell...
Lahren: Spoken to Khaele? Yes, and... Incredibly, the situation's been handled. I don't know the details, and I don't really care to... You can ask Pell, if you wish. It is her matter, and it is with her you should if you wish to hear anything more than hearsay.

As you wish, Lahren. Thank you for your frankness, and farewell.
Well that was easy. Another epic quest under Goondalf's belt!
At this point I remembered that it's going to be a while before we see any combat, so I switched back to our +Charm getup.
Which required going back to South Gate level 2 to retrieve some stuff, where I spent several minutes marveling at all the treasures we have acquired in our travels.
Swords and hats...
Rings and armor...
Shields and boots...

Thigh-highs and pants...
Vests and capes. Truly, this is a hoard worthy of a great hero.
And of course we can't forget the Dried Rose we... acquired.
Oh yeah, we have a buddy who's up in this area too.

You seem a tad... I don't know what to call it, Calum, except "off." What's on your mind?

A gut feeling has me on edge, Goondalf the G. I think a few of those recluses who live on the third level are planning a prank on me. Voices go silent when I approach. I'd think them traitors, but they talk so freely with others that I know it must be my own paranoia.

We can't be too careful, Calum.

That's all we've ever been, Goondalf the G, It amazes me that all of us, including the ladies, have handled it with such grace. We make jokes about it. Jokes, as though we don't stand to lose anything... We're starting to show it. Good thing the reinforcements are coming.

Yes, it is, Calum. Stay safe.
Hey, speaking of ladies...

Though I've been through many trials, the good spirits have guided and carried me safely through them all.
Bonnie: Well, watch out for yourself -- your actions have meant a great deal to many people, and I personally would take the loss of you very sorrowfully. You were the only one who listened to me, back when those wretched beetles were infesting the basement, and I shall never forget the kindness you showed me then.

I consider it my duty, as well as my pleasure, to do all I can for someone as kind and beautiful as yourself.
Bonnie: You can be quite the flatterer, Goondalf the G. I wish I could stay and chat, but I'm off to deliver supplies to the soldiers of South Gate soon. Take care of yourself, handsome hero.

May the good spirits draw us together again soon, sweet Bonnie. Farewell.

You sound so formal, Anora. Have you forgotten the green recruit who hunted bugs in your cellar not so long ago?
Anora: You've come quite far, Goondalf the G, and the lad you were has become a man long-removed from his bug-hunting beginnings.

True enough, I suppose. Speaking of bug hunting, how is Bonnie, the lass who first alerted me to that particular problem?
Anora: Bonnie, eh? I can tell you've had your eye on her for a while now, and don't you try to deny it.

Well, she is a very sweet girl, but...
Anora: Don't tell me you are too busy fighting the Sha'ahoul to find time enough for love -- in these dark days, you must seize what chances for happiness that present themselves.

To ensure that these dark days do not remain so, I've no choice but to sacrifice my personal life for my duty.
Anora: Very well, young man -- but don't forget what it is you are fighting for.

True enough, ma'am. Farewell.
We should check in on Elazar too, since the infirmary is here in the Outer Keep as well.

I will do my best. Farewell, Belinda.

How can I help?
Brother Crosby: Since you were so effective in aiding the Catheans when King Isdernus was poisoned, some of my brethren suggested that we seek your assistance. In truth, we are unsure as to the exact nature of his affliction, but we thought your experience might enable you to shed some light on the matter.

Next to your order, my knowledge must be quite limited; still, I will be glad to help if I can.
Brother Crosby: We have tried all the mundane remedies we know of without success. Perhaps you could help us find some mystical cure for his strange ailment.

I suppose I should seek the council of one of our resident mages, for they might have some clue about this strange affliction.
Brother Crosby: I would recommend Elarath -- I spoke with him some time ago, but he seemed terribly busy. He had some important information that might help, I believe, but he did not have the time to look for it when Elazar's situation was less critical.

I am off to seek his wisdom, Brother Crosby. Farewell.

Fie on this sickness! I will find a way...
And he will... when he gets around to it.
And hey, it's not like checking in with these people is THAT much of a detour. Elarath and Mudam are both right down the hall!

Have you received any more letters from your love?
Madden: None, save the first. I wonder if I'll have a home to go to when this siege has ended.

Keep your faith, soldier.
But not your rose.

Sometimes all you can do is hold on. Sometimes you have to let go. This all depends on the person, and not the situation. I believe in your skills, soldier. Hold to your faith.
Wasn't long ago we were doing a fetch quest involving these guys.

I have heard word that you wish to speak with me.

Yes, indeed. I'm afraid that I will be leaving shortly. I'm as busy as the sages in the Inner Keep... Speaking of which, you should try seeing what they are doing after we have finished.

Leaving? Now? In our time of need, with the Sha'ahoul knocking at our castle doors.

Goondalf the G. [He lowers his voice.] I must take my leave in this dark hour, but I am certainly not abandoning Avalon. I am embarking upon the highest of orders, on a mission that I am uniquely suited for. Though I cannot say exactly what I am charged with, if I am successful, a chance of overcoming this siege may finally be at hand. I must speak no more, for fear that someone might overhear and foil these plans. Farewell, Goondalf the G. I must finish my final preparations before I leave, and I have no time left to dawdle.

I understand, Mudam. I wish you success on your mission.
Well that was cryptic. His advice to see the sages in the Inner Keep is good though, because that's where most of the interesting stuff happens in this part of the Chapter. We basically have three lines of quests to pursue for the first section; this one, the stuff with the skeletons, and the one with Elazar, which we can start on down the hall here by speaking to Elarath.

What have you done to the portal, Elarath? It is no longer active.
Now we can't visit our Lurker buddies!

Oh, I thought I had told you. Keeping it open, while not dangerous any longer, does tax me a bit due to the spells needed to activate it after such a period of inactivity. It is ancient and needs a sort of maintenance, if you will. Regardless, your business there is finished, Goondalf the G, and I feel a portent of things to come that conveys to me that we must all be at our best...
Yep, the Astral Plane is locked off for the rest of the game. Hope you didn't leave anything important there! Like, say, that easily missable scroll of Deflect without which this chapter would be extremely difficult!

Thank you for the information and advice, Elarath.

I've come to seek your wisdom on the strange affliction that has stricken Elazar.

Ah yes, I spoke with Brother Crosby about this some time ago, but recent events have kept me too busy to check up on the matter. I had heard rumors that Elazar's condition was worsening, but I was not certain they were true.

Indeed, he seems to be getting much worse, and Brother Crosby doesn't think he will last much longer.
now he remembers.

From what you've heard, what would you suspect is harming him?

It's hard to say, especially without seeing him, but recent events lead me to believe that this must be some type of hostile magic assault. These things can be very tricky to determine. What specific signs of illness has he displayed of late?

According to Brother Crosby, his hands and head are ice-cold, while his chest is burning up. He has been completely out of his wits or unconscious most of the time lately.

This is most unusual. I have a tome which may shed some light on the matter. [He snaps his fingers and a tome appears in his hand.] Let me see... it should be here somewhere... mystical illnesses... yes! This sounds like exactly what you were describing...

What have you found?

It is a very ancient curse, slow and debilitating at first, which will consume even the most powerful mage. Judging from its age and obscurity -- and the most likely responsible party for the curse -- I'd say the Sha'ahoul picked it up from the Naga, or else happened upon it during their brief excursion into the Astral Plane.

Pell was helpful in our last venture to the Astral Plane. Maybe she can help us with this matter, or we could try contacting the Astral Guardian.
Now Goondalf is the one going senile!

Unfortunately I cannot contact Aenea, for I have closed the portal to conserve my own energies. As for Pell, I've not seen much of her since that Fornaxan Magistrate came to Avalon. No, I'm afraid we'll have to muddle through this on our own. Fortunately, I believe I have found what we need.

Does the text say how this curse might be treated?

What components should I ask them for?

You will first need Grimstone Root, which Olon will likely have. I've heard he uses it in some sort of love tonic; judging from the state of most of our companions in this besieged keep, I imagine he's not used up his supply. The other component is a pinch of ground Swampfire Flower. As it is sometimes used in exotic perfumes, Rayous may have it -- Did you know that perfumes were his primary stock before the war?

How unusal. What about the incantation?

I will transcribe it for you, [does so and hands to you] It is not overly long or complex, but I fear it may be a very draining experience for you. Be very careful when you cast this, and make sure Elazar has imbibed the tonic made from the components before you begin.

Thanks for the warning, Elarath. I'm off to find Olon and Rayous now, for I fear Elazar may not have much time left. Farewell, and thank you for your timely assistance.
I'm sure his assistant will have something useful to give us too.

I've come to teach you some of the spells I've learned!
Sherard: Actually, I can't seem to learn anything new. My lesson today was about defining the path when there is no path. It seems that my initial quest for knowledge was based on greed for power. I never fully realized that the only use for new power is to counter the power of an opposing force.

You're saying that the only reason I should improve myself is because of Mithras?
Sherard: I'm only saying to be careful. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. One does not know the extent of himself until he is given the power to explore it. Certain ones involved in the founding of our dear city have already fallen and betrayed it.

Thanks for the advice. I shall think upon this. Farewell.
Bah, what drivel! We will be fine. Goondalf the Glorious has nothing to fear!